Per tutto quello che cè da sapere sugli eventi dellUniversità di Reading in corso.
Attending an Open Day is one of the best ways to discover if a university is right for you. Once you have booked your place on a University of Reading Open Day, download this app to help make the most of your experience. Whichever course you are interested in, the app will help you to be able to plan your day and find your way around campus. You will also get useful updates on the day with the latest information about what to see and where to go. n• See the full programme of activities for the day for all our subject areas n• Login to access and amend your personal agendan• Access maps of our campuses and see which activities are taking place wheren• Navigate your way around campus and Readingn• Get important updates and reminders on the dayn• Download copies of our accommodation guide and student finance information.